️⭐️⭐️⭐️Сервер New Fun x5 открыт 20.07.2024 года в 18:00 по Москве!⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Description of Launcher + Updater


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We present to you our Launcher + Updater.


  • 1. Choose a language that is convenient for you, Russian or English.
  • 2. The ability to download our game client completely.
  • 3. The ability to automatically update the game patch if necessary.
  • 4. Convenient functionality for switching to your personal account, forum, etc
  • 5. Convenient functionality for switching to our social networks.
  • 6. High speed of downloading and updating the game client.
  • 7. Launch the game.

What does our Launcher + Updater look like?:



You can download it from these links:

Launcher + Updater: https://la2fun.site/en/sign-up
Launcher + Updater: https://la2fun.site/en/files#launcher


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